I'm thrilled and honored to say that this Saturday, Oct 4th, my house will be part of the 32nd annual Old Allentown Preservation Association's historic house tour as well as the home of the inaugural Chen Arts Group art show from 10AM-4PM. Tickets can be purchased in advance for the tour for $15 and $20 the day of. For more information check the following link: http://www.oldallentown.org/housetour.html. If only interested in the art show, just show up...there's no charge. Lobaido's Italian Restaurant - 8th and Liberty is offering 15 percent off lunch or dinner to celebrate their 15th year anniversary - pick up your coupon at the OAPA office (10th and Turner).
there's been a teaser picture floating around that I will repost below. You get a glimpse at just one of the great things that exists in abundance in the fine city of Allentown - really unique architecture. This year's Old Allentown House Tour is aptly named, "Behind The Closed Doors" and after 3 weeks of non-stop work...I think I'm ready...wait...is that dust...argh!
Hope to see you all on Saturday!

This show is going to be a blast! I hope 1,000 people DO show up!
It sure seemed like 1,000 people showed up on Sat! What a BRILLIANT idea, to have the art show during the house tour. Pete, pure genius! There is definitely a scene going on now! We will be back today (Sunday) for a short time. I met so many people all day yesterday, it was great. And we have some new artists interested in our group.
Thanks for offering your space and working so hard to put on such a classy show!
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