Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Seventh Street Receives $500,000 for Pedestrian Lighting Improvements

The Morning Callreports that the city of Allentown received a $499,100 award for pedestrian lighting improvements along Seventh Street.


michael molovinsky said...

please tell me that the grant is for additional lights, not to change the lights just replaced last year, for the third time, since 1994.

petelewnes said...

hi Mike - no changes but I believe this grant is to finish the project already started...I believe the block from Linden to Hamilton still needs to be completed. We are supposed to be working on getting additional lights as well - lower, pedestrian lights added - not sure if this would be those or maybe the plan on how they would actually happen. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Walk along 7th and tell me that no investment in lights is need from Linden to Hamilton Streets. Peter and his group have done a great job on most of Hamilton, but this lower area is a no-man's-land.

This lights are a needed improvement.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait until we replace every street light and waste container on Hamilton an Seventh street so we can focus on real, serious pedestrian issues withing the LV.

Lets consider all the young families walking from Allentown and Fairmont Street up MacArthur Road. Families with young children, babies in strollers, even motorized wheel chairs force to walk on the berm inches from traffic. Sure hope PennDOT commissions a walkabilty improvement study along that corridor.

Pedestrian access does not stop and border of 3rd classs cities.